Friday, 13 July 2012

Recent Purchases : Update


I know I should be catching up on the lost hours of sleep and maybe come back to blogging in the mid-morning ... but I actually love to blog at this time of the night/ morning (I find that working around midnight is the best time gather energy and collect new ideas waiting to pop out).

So this post is just about a few purchases that I have bought from a couple of my favorite high street stores (both from the sale and normal price)

Over dyed Khaki Shirt :Topshop, Bleached Dipped Leggings- Topshop, Emerald Green Jeans with gold zip-Zara, red ballet pumps - Zara, Ballet flats-Topshop, ring-River Island (sale)

These are just a few of what I could find, I finished tidying my room today forgetting that I planned to do a post with all recent purchases and deals I came across this joyful summer sale season (will update later on today)

However, my current favorite pieces are the green jeans, the ring and the leggings. I have been SEARCHING for a lovely pair of green jeans as they could go with a number of colors such as reds, royal/navy blues,brown, black or even a soft nude ... So with that, I could always just place an over sized white tee and a kimono / blazer or coat to accomplish a casual or going out look (If I end up creating one, will do a style post )

These are how the leggings look like out
At first, they looked a little weird, but after trying them on, I became excited (like literally-jumping around in the changing room because I came up with what I would pair these with) But you all will have to wait until the near future !!

I will later post more stuff (no much) and ...yeah ... that's all folks !!! Until later today? ^_^
Click on the link here


  1. Ooh those green jeans sound to die for! Always love a good haul blog post ;) Need to get shopping before all the goods stuffs gone! xx

    1. Indeed !!! And before university starts ;) x


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